A budding relationship: the Fujinon XF 18-135 mm

Although I have owned the Fujinon XF 18-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 ‘superzoom’ for almost a year now, in my mind it never really found its place in my camerabag. While I have used it frequently for my watersports photography, I usually left it at home when I went out for fun or for other – non water related – assignments.

Recently however, it has begun to grow on me a bit. In the past I have stated often that I would rather take my three small primes on holiday than the one big heavy (relatively speaking, that is) superzoom. And the three small primes (18, 35 and 60 mm) were a perfect combination during our trip to Sicily last year. This year, however, our annual holiday was to Curacao, a much more humid climate than Italy. As a result, I somewhat dreaded changing lenses and the 18-135 mm stayed on my XT-1 for most of the time  to protect the sensor that is otherwise exposed during lens changes. In addition, the weather sealing of the 18-135 was extra protection.

How did this turn out? Well, to be honest, quite well! While the images of this lens are not as sharp or clean as those obtained from my primes, for most subjects (non-moving, landscapes, portraits, etc.) the image quality was quite acceptable. Having gotten used to the large apertures of the primes (the 60 mm is ‘slow’ at f/2.4), where the 18-135 has to make do with f/3.5-5.6, I had to get used to cranking up the ISO to get the shutter speeds that I desired. On the other hand, the more than excellent image stabilization made sure much longer shutter speeds could be used than would be the case with the primes.

In the evening, when light faded, I still had to grab my primes to get some decent shots, but on the whole, almost 80% of my shots were done with the 18-135 mm. Using this lens reduced the amount of camera gear I had to carry during the day (after two day’s I didn’t even take my primes with me out in the field any more), reducing the weight of, and space in, my camera bag. It also meant less time wasted changing lenses, which certainly came in handy during our exhaustive climb to  the top of the Christoffelmountain.

Two other things to mention that I noticed are the excellent macro capabilities and the sometimes rather ugly bokeh of the lens. During our trips on Curacao we often stumbled upon dozens of lizards (and sometimes larger specimens like the Iguana). These sometimes posed for us and we could get quite close. At 135 mm the closest focus distance was less than a meter, which I would consider quite good for general photography. On the other hand, the bokeh obtained (greatest at 135 mm f/5.6) was (not unexpectedly) much less pleasing than I was used to with the primes. It is not a reason not to use this lens, but something to consider when using it.

Will it be on my camera more than before?

Maybe. While the image quality may be good enough for holiday ‘snapshots’, for more serious photography that doesn’t require the weather sealing I’d still use the primes. It’s also quite a heavy beast, and much larger than for instance the 23 mm f/1.4 that is usually attached to my XT-1. It is a bit of a workhorse compared to the refined primes. For another holiday like this one, I might take only the 18-135 and the 23 mm f/1.4 and leave the rest at home (but then again, I might lug it all with me again).

Some photographs from last week:

An Iguana at the Christoffelpark
An Iguana at the Christoffelpark
At the northwest side of Curacao, Boca Table
At the northwest side of Curacao, Boca Table
This little fellow posed for us for quite some time
This little fellow posed for us for quite some time
Groupshot at the top of the Christoffelmountain
Groupshot at the top of the Christoffelmountain
Butterfly at the Christoffelmountain; an example of the bokeh
Butterfly at the Christoffelmountain; an example of the bokeh

Winterwedstrijden 2015

Hoewel ik een grote fan ben van Fujifilm en ik het concept ‘systeemcamera’ een goede ontwikkeling op de cameramarkt vind, is er één gebied waar dit type camera nog altijd wat achterblijft (of bleef?) op de digitale spiegelreflex: autofocus. Sommige camerafabrikanten lukt het beter dit te ontwikkelen, en het schijnt dat Olympus met de OM-D E-M1 de snelheid van een spiegelreflex bijna heeft weten te evenaren, maar Fujifilm bleef altijd toch een tandje achter op dit gebied. Het vlaggeschip van Fuji schijnt echter qua autofocus snelheid een eind in de goede richting te gaan.

Vorig weekend had ik de gelegenheid om de XT-1 en de Fuji’s 18-135 mm uit te testen tijdens het fotograferen van de winterwedstrijden op de Kagerplassen. Hoewel ik nog niet geheel overtuigd ben van de kwaliteit van de 18-135 (bij het bouwen van zo’n zogenaamde superzoom – groothoek tot tele in 1 lens – moeten altijd offers gemaakt worden ten opzichte van de kwaliteit), heeft de XT-1 wél overtuigd. Snel, degelijk gebouwd, waterdicht en natuurlijk Fuji’s mooie retro ontwerp is het een prachtige camera om te gebruiken. Natuurlijk zijn er ook enkele puntjes wat minder handig, maar daarover wellicht later. Hieronder in ieder geval wat foto’s van de dag.

De Kaagsoos, Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm
Fujifilm XT-1 en Fujinon XF 18-135 mm